How To Start The Day Right: The Morning Routine Habits You Need
Morning routines can be a difficult one to start, especially if you are not a typical morning person. You might think, “My schedule is way too busy to start a morning routine.” But in fact, you might need it more because of that very reason.
The way you start your day defines the rest of your day and a morning routine gets you on track from the moment you wake up.
A great morning routine will give you a productive morning and can help the rest of your day be more productive and less stressful. The key is to keep it simple and always do what works best for you so that you can continue the routine for however long it works for you.
Below you will find a few tips and suggestions in no particular order that you can start adding to your morning routine or anytime in the early hours, like taking a few deep breaths or eating a healthy breakfast. The trick to creating a good morning routine is to test what works for you in the amount of time that you have.
There is no one routine that works for everyone, so play around with different habits and times you are making those habits. Your goal is to just have a consistent morning routine for that ultimate work-life balance. That's where the true benefits of a morning routine come into play.
Let's Build Your Own Morning Routine
Get the Sleep You Need to Recharge
First off, a healthy morning routine starts the night before. Getting quality sleep is one of the most important aspects of starting the morning routine off right. It is recommended to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, so if you’re going to get up earlier to start a morning routine, make sure to go to bed earlier.
Avoid hitting snooze on the alarm clock.
Make sure you are not hitting that snooze button on the alarm clock, and get out of bed the moment it goes off. If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, we recommend trying an all-natural sleep aid like our Melatonin Gummies before any over-the-counter or prescription sleep medications.
We also have some really great articles about sleep, why it’s important, and tips and tricks to help get better sleep here if you want to learn more.
5 Rules for Deeper Sleep
How Melatonin Improves Your Sleep and Health
Does Diffusing Essential Oil Help You Sleep Better?
If you're one of the many adults worldwide who report less than 7 hours of sleep each night, you know how important it is to get enough rest. Good sleep habits can improve your productivity, help with stress management or reduce stress, give you more energy, and help you feel your best. So remember, get out of bed as soon as your alarm clock goes off, and do not hit snooze button
No screen time or blue lights
One of the main reasons for a morning routine is to focus on yourself and decrease your brain clutter. So picking up your phone and scrolling through social media, emails, or work will totally defeat the purpose of a morning routine and can actually increase your stress levels if you see something negative.
Also, the blue light from your phone is terrible on your eyes, especially first thing in the morning and right before bed (because it will mess with your sleep). It is recommended to wait at least 20-60 minutes before subjecting your eyes to screen time when you first wake. Think about it this way, if you’re squinting in pain from looking at your phone, that can’t be good for them.
This might be a hard new habit to build, but trust us when we say this will have a major positive impact for the rest of the day.
Using natural light to boost your energy levels
Soaking in some sun for a few minutes is a great way to wake up in the morning, and the natural early morning light can also help you get your daily dose of Vitamin D, which can help you feel more alert and keep your energy levels up throughout the day.
Pro-tip, if you want to achieve goals while feeling confident in everything you do, this great morning routine or daily habits is the one that will help you have a productive day early and often.
Check out the amazing benefits of Vitamin D here:
Vitamin D3 with K2- A Powerful Combination For A Happy & Active Life
Also, just be in nature for a minute if you want to take it up a notch in the morning. Notice the color of the trees, breathe in some fresh air, and take a minute to feel the earth beneath your bare feet while you breathe deeply. Most of us go through our busy day/life and never stop and enjoy the beauty around us.
Basically, just take a minute and stop and smell the roses! Let it help you get in the right frame of mind each morning.
Journal and let it all out
There are so many amazing benefits of journaling, such as boosting your mood, enhancing a sense of well-being, reducing stress, improving memory, providing you with a healthy and positive mindset, and even making you not feel overwhelmed all the time, which is great if you are always feeling stressed. There are also many different types of journals that are really beneficial.
First the very popular Gratitude Journal that I'm sure you've heard about, where you list ten things that you are grateful for every morning. I know ten sounds like a lot, but it doesn’t have to be anything complicated, just simple things.
For instance, “I am grateful that I slept well last night, I'm grateful for my physical health, or even I'm grateful for my coffee or whatever your morning beverage of choice is.” Just try not to repeat yourself. You’ll be surprised at how many you can come up with after you’ve been doing it a while.
Another type of journal we recommend is the Brag Book. Similar to the gratitude journal, the brag book is more about you individually. List 3 things about yourself. The little things about you that make you who you are. Build that self-esteem.
The Courage Journal is another type of journal that is great to try. It’s a list of all the times that you were afraid but did it anyway. The win was the courage it took to get past the fear, whether it was big or small. It’s also great to take a moment and look back at it because these accomplishments are easy to forget.
Sometimes it’s just beneficial to write down whatever is in your head or whatever you are thinking about at the time. If you’re having excessive thoughts where you’re finding it difficult to concentrate on the everyday task, write down everything that’s in your head so that you can get it out.
No filter, no rhyme or reason...just get it out. Once it’s all written out, it’s usually easier to concentrate on other things.
Wake up earlier than usual and enjoy the peace
You want to make sure that you have enough time to enjoy your morning routine and not feel rushed. If you have children, make sure to wake up 30-45 minutes before you wake them up so you can focus on making yourself a top priority and enjoy the quiet or a healthy breakfast before the hustle and bustle of the morning.
Drink a full glass of water and stay hydrated
Hydrating is essential to our health. When you’re asleep and not drinking for that long of a period of time, your body becomes dehydrated. So one of the best things to do for your body when you first wake up is to drink a big glass of water so you can hydrate your body again. Be sure to do this right away and on an empty stomach.
Prepare a healthy breakfast
Be sure you are also starting your day off right with a balanced breakfast. A healthy breakfast will help you have a healthy day. This can be as simple as overnight oats, or it can be something more elaborate like pancakes or eggs and bacon. Eating breakfast will help your body feel more energized throughout the day.
Do something physical with your body
Whether it's getting a quick workout in, a good stretch session, or a brisk walk around the block, do something physical to get your body moving early in the morning. It doesn’t have to take up much time. 10 or 15 minutes will get your blood flowing and will totally change your overall day and help you with increased productivity.
Meditate and release that stress
Next up, try meditating or some breathing exercises to help build a healthy mind. If you’ve never tried meditating, it might be a little difficult to know where to start, but our biggest recommendation for beginners is to start off with like 1-2 minutes and then work your way to meditating longer.
Also, try guided meditation because it’s easier to navigate. There are so many apps that you can try or even many videos on YouTube.
There are so many amazing benefits to meditation, but to list a few, it can lower stress, help you connect better, improve your focus, provides a more positive outlook, and reduces brain chatter. So why not give it a try? Certain nothing to lose and so much to gain!
Say positive affirmations and love yourself
Last but not least, start your day off right with some positive affirmations! Affirmations help combat negative perceptions of yourself and promote self-confidence. When said early in the morning, positive affirmations help you feel more positive about yourself during your day.
Examples of commonly used affirmations that you could try every day to feel good are: I am strong. I am smart. I am a considerate person. Just try to make them as personal as you can. No matter what your affirmations are, be sure to say these affirmations loudly or write them in your journal daily for the benefit.
The main key to an effective morning routine is to enjoy it! If, after about two weeks, you’re not enjoying what you’re doing, switch it up and try a different healthy routine or some new healthy habits. If you’re having a difficult time fitting in all the things you would like to do in your daily morning routine before the hustle and bustle of the day starts, pick your top three and start there first thing. Then you can slowly integrate other tasks into your routine every morning until you get the perfect morning routine just for you.
Remember, everyone is different, so what is beneficial for other people might not be as beneficial for you. The end goal is to feel better and be more productive, so whatever morning ritual you do will help.
The amazing benefits of a morning routine helps set the day and your future. There's nothing like starting your day off on the right foot with something like a workout or meditation routine. A morning routine can help you do just that. Not only will you feel better and be more productive with these new morning habits, but you'll also be setting your future self up for success.
So, what are you waiting for? Create a morning routine today!
Examples of a Good Morning Routine:
Morning Routine 1:
Drink Water
Full body workout
Eat breakfast
Make breakfast for the family
Morning Routine 2:
Wake up and stretch for 5 minutes
Drink coffee and read 1 chapter
Make a good breakfast
Run 3 miles
Take a hot shower and get ready
Morning Routine 3:
Wake Up and Pray
Drink 20oz of water
Walk the dog for 1 mile
30 Minutes of Yoga
Meditate and fill out Gratitude Journal
Take a hot shower and get ready for the day